Why Doesn’t Coffee Wake Me Up? Reasons and Solutions

There’s something incredibly refreshing about the first whiff of coffee in the morning – or the office cafeteria during the afternoon. But the aroma isn’t enough to wake you up – and you may find that coffee doesn’t wake you…

Coffee Or Red Bull: What Helps You Stay Awake?

Do you feel exhausted halfway through the day and need some extra dose of energy to feel awake? Then caffeine can be your savior.  Caffeine is a natural stimulant that plays with our brain chemistry and puts us into alert…

Why Does Coffee Make You Tired – And How To Avoid It

What’s the most popular elixir that infuses life into the minds of sleep-addled human zombies? The answer is a rich cup of freshly brewed coffee at any time of the day. Then, why does coffee make you tired instead of…

How and When is Coffee Harvested? The Journey Of Seed To Sip

Will it be fair to call yourself a coffee enthusiast if you don’t really know how coffee is harvested? Absolutely NOT! But don’t worry, I’m here to give you coffee insights and not guilt trips. So here’s everything you need to…

Which Coffee Has The Most Caffeine? A Detailed Guide

For some, caffeine can be the cause of thumping heartbeats and shaky legs; yet for others, it can be the magic potion that gives them the power to bear this insufferable world.  When you think of the most caffeinated coffee,…

Savor The Soothing Sips: Top 10 Low-caffeine Coffee For A Calm Caffeine Fix

Many of us love to start our day with a cup of joe, but unfortunately, sometimes our body doesn’t permit that. Don’t blame the coffee, it ain’t its fault! Caffeine is the culprit that’s causing your heart to race. But…

Difference Between Coffee and Latte – Explained

Coffee means something different to everyone. Some think of a roasted, aromatic cuppa in a rich color, while others imagine a frothy, milky mug of summer in their mouth. We usually include a wide range of drinks made from coffee…

Spilled Coffee on Your Laptop? Here’s What to Do

Who doesn’t fear spilling coffee or any liquid on their laptop? The liquid can cause potential damage to your device and leave you drenched in helplessness.d. However, you can do some simple things to avoid the damage, or reduce it…