Office Coffee Machines

10 Coffee Ritual Ideas for Workplaces

A kick of caffeine can boost focus, creativity, and productivity – in a fun and delicious way. That’s why coffee is essential in almost every workplace – or employees prefer to spend more time at coffee shops. So, why not use some thoughtful coffee ritual ideas for workplaces?

Workplace rituals should offer access to quality coffee and fancy brewing means during work, meetings, etc., for the much-needed caffeine rush. One-off and routine coffee breaks and activities can also be hosted to enhance cohesion among in-office and virtual teams.    

Let’s take a look at how you can use coffee to develop a high-energy and communicative culture in an organization.

10 Coffee Ritual Ideas for Workplaces 

Are the stress levels in your office soaring? Bless the team members with coffee! Here are a few things you can do to ensure everyone feels energized and happy – with the magic of coffee.

1. Maintain a Stock of High-Quality Coffee in the Office Cafeteria. 

A free flow of coffee is essential (and you’ll know the reason a little later) – but that’s not enough. You must make sure to maintain a stock of high-quality coffee. 

Quality coffee can be the morning wakeup call drink, the 10-minute-break beverage, or the fuel during late-night shifts. So don’t count the dollars when it comes to providing a good coffee experience at work. 

Think of it as an investment – and not as just a free perk for your employees. You’ll be surprised to learn that 56% of employees drink coffee simply to enjoy the taste. 

Professionals also drink coffee to gain focus and alertness and eliminate stress and fatigue. Moreover, they feel more valued when they have access to quality coffee. 

Studies show that the number of people who truly appreciate good coffee is on the rise. Providing good coffee can help you earn some brownie points as an employer. 

2. Create a Range of Coffee Options and a Customizable Setup.

Coffee is a versatile beverage – and everyone likes it differently. While some like it creamy and sweet, others love it dark, like the night.

So invest in an espresso machine with options to make americano, cappuccino, latte, mocha, etc. Also, consider placing a keg of cold brew to provide the best taste.

To make things fun for everyone, stock the cafeteria with add-ons like sugar-free sweeteners and vegan creamers, besides traditional options.    

As a result, employees will enjoy the coffee-making process as they can customize their drinks. Imagine how they’ll look forward to the whole experience – and find one more reason to arrive at work!

Remember to go a little fancy with healthy snacks, too. Some delicious nuts, cookies, or fruits as an accompaniment can also work wonders.

3. Provide Low-Contact Coffee Machines to Maintain Hygiene. 

Having individual coffee machines can have two major advantages. The first one is maintaining hygiene and spreading germs. 

In the post-pandemic world, taking care of your employees’ safety should be one of your priorities. Unfortunately, a community coffee pot’s handle is grabbed by everyone and usually not washed after every use. 

But individual coffee makers can reduce the chances of spreading germs. Individual coffee makers will also mean less time away from the desk. 

They don’t have to run to the cafeteria whenever they want some java. Of course, this might be a little expensive if you have an enormous workforce.

However, contact can also be reduced by combining individual coffee mugs or flasks and low-contact coffee machines. Some machines can be operated with a single touch – or with the help of smartphones, or even by motion

4. Give “Best Wishes” Coffee Hampers as Gifts.

Who doesn’t love gifts? Employees certainly feel appreciated when they get useful and fancy rewards – and a coffee hamper can be perfect. 

You can incorporate a new culture of showing appreciation for your team with gift hampers on different occasions. Sending “welcome” and “goodbye” hampers is the most common among the coffee ritual ideas for workplaces. 

You can give these out for birthdays and festivals. A coffee hamper can also work as a “Get Well Soon” care package, a reward after a successful project, or on any other occasion.

But what can you put in a coffee hamper? It needs to start with some tasty coffee grounds or powder – and you can scale up per your budget. 

A good item is a customized coffee mug with the giftee’s name printed on the mug along with the company logo. This will cut down the use of throw-away cups and reduce daily trash!     

5. Arrange for Coupons to Local Cafes for Meetings.

Collaborate with local coffee shops and provide discount coupons to the employees. Make sure to offer partial or complete reimbursements if they host official meetups. 

Doing so can be more than a coffee-based perk. Remember that creativity and productive conversations often thrive outside the office’s walls. 

Client meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions, and much more can happen over coffee. So instead of viewing coffee meetings with skepticism, make the best use of local cafeterias. 

Out-of-office coffee breaks allow employees to catch fresh air and return to work with renewed vigor. And they can improve team cohesion. 

Such perks can also be helpful in bringing together team members who work from home. Coffee shop hampers can encourage remote workers to have meaningful face-to-face conversations in a friendly and comfortable setting.  

6. Host Routine Fika Breaks.

You probably know what they say about all work and no play: it can make Jack a dull boy. And if you don’t want dull Jacks and Jills in your workforce, borrow the culture of Fika breaks from the Swedes as one of the best coffee ritual ideas for workplaces. 

In Sweden, Fika is when people spend time with their friends, family, or colleagues over a cup of good coffee. They also indulge in accompaniments like cinnamon buns to go with it. 

The point of these breaks is to refresh the mind and socialize – over good coffee and titbits. Inspired by this idea, many organizations worldwide now encourage impromptu coffee breaks with colleagues. 

These breaks could be a celebration of all the efforts and small wins within the team. They can also be just a time for your team to relax and get to know each other better. 

You can also host routine Fika breaks weekly or daily for members of different ranks and departments to come together. As long as these are no-work gatherings, the ritual will surely be appreciated by both in-office and virtual employees.  

7. Serve Wakeup Drinks at Meetings and Workshops.

It’s no news that the caffeine content in coffee is great for boosting your brain activities. Therefore, it’s just what’s needed at any event that requires heightened alertness. 

Let’s admit that long workshops, be it on PoSH or the company’s new CSR activities, can be monotonous. And meetings at any time of the day can be just cruel. 

From induction sessions to training programs – work events often feel dull to the people whose focus is of utmost importance. That’s where coffee can work some magic. 

It can keep the participants wide awake and help them concentrate on the agenda. The goal is to turn the coffee assembly into an opportunity for employees to tune in to their aspirations and learning abilities.

Plus, when you serve good coffee, your team will actually look forward to otherwise solemn events. Don’t forget to supplement the coffee game with some munchies because no one can work on an empty stomach. 

8. Online Coffee-Making Workshops

Group activities foster a sense of camaraderie among team members – and get the creative juices flowing. Then, why not pick a coffee-making workshop?

If you’re planning a fun lesson unrelated to work, an online or offline barista class can be a lot of fun. It will give your employees a chance to learn about their favorite beverages. 

They’ll learn about beans, roasts, and the history of coffee. They can also get a lesson on how to use various coffee-making machines. 

It will give the team members a chance to expand their palates and make a great cup of java. Plus, it can be a great team-building activity and they get a chance to learn about each other. 

Once the class is completed, you can host a coffee-tasting session, too. You can take the game a step ahead with some samples of good coffee powders or grounds. 

9. Arrange for Virtual Coffee Meetups at Local Cafes.

A coffee break in the middle of work is a great collaborative and relaxing activity at the workplace. Sadly, this option became unavailable for almost everyone when the world went into lockdown. 

Even in the post-pandemic world, the way organizations operate has changed, as many employees still majorly work from home. And one of the most effective coffee ritual ideas for workplaces with remote employees is to go virtual. 

So you can organize online coffee breaks and meetups with other remote service providers. Regularly meeting teammates can develop a sense of belonging among remote workers. 

A good idea for implementing this idea is finding cafeterias close to the employees’ location. Then, host a virtual meetup in which the employees can reach these cafeterias and enjoy a Zoom call or Google Meet. 

Or, you can set up the meeting at a cafeteria of an employee’s choice. Then, reimburse the bill amount.  

10. Build a Coffee-Centric Coworking Space

If your team is still on a work-from-home module, getting the members together once in a while at coworking spaces can be a good idea. You can pick a coffee shop with Wifi connectivity, charging ports, and low noise levels.  

You can also look for coworking spaces designed to facilitate or accommodate a healthy coffee-based environment. It will instantly energize your remote employees.    

You might have recognized the effectiveness of incorporating coffee into the office culture. You can take the idea one step ahead with a coffee shop vibe in the office.

Having a coffee shop zone in the office can create a sense of relaxation even inside the office. So think about the right furniture, like comfy chairs, soft lighting, bright colors, fun posters on the walls, etc., for an overall mood upliftment. 

How Coffee Rituals Can Help Workplaces

If you’re hesitant about incorporating workplace rituals because they need a lot of effort and a small fortune – think again. Here’s how coffee rituals can help you – 

  1. Boosted Concentration and LearningCaffeine lowers sleepiness, boosts mental functions, learning abilities, and memory, and even reduces accidents.      
  2. Improved Productivity and Time Efficiency – Coffee at work will save the time that employees would otherwise waste traveling to and from coffee shops.
  3. Enhanced Socialization and Communication – Employees bond and share ideas over coffee. It results in a collaborative and supportive environment.
  4. Amplified Morale and Appreciation – Employees, especially young millennials, associate good coffee at work with a display of appreciation – and feel motivated.
  5. Heightened Sense of Happiness – Coffee boosts the production of dopamine, the happy hormone. Thus, it fosters a feeling of well-being among employees.   

Final Words

Earl Wilson once said, “Science may never come up with a better office communication system than the coffee break.” And working professionals couldn’t agree more.  

Coffee ritual ideas for workplaces can be a great opportunity for establishing team cohesion and communication. At the same time, they can keep the employees alert and motivated. So start some new workplace rituals today – and let there be change!


1. Is coffee a good motivator at work?

A supply of coffee at work can motivate team members to a great extent, especially if it is high-quality coffee. Besides heightened focus and energy levels, they feel valued when they see that their employee has cared enough to invest in good coffee for which they’d probably spend big bucks. 

2. What are the best single-serve coffee makers for workplaces?

There are many amazing single-serve coffee machines that can be set on the desks of individual employees. The top favorites include the Nespresso VertuoPlus, a compact device that makes great coffee quickly, and the Keurig K-Café Smart, an attractive machine that can be controlled using smartphones. 

3. How can you add a coffee shop vibe to your office?

The coffee shop vibe in an office is not just about good coffee and fancy machines, though they are very important, too. To create an inviting and communicative ambiance, you can think of an open floor plan. It should have vibrant colors, comfortable furniture, and fun accents for a relaxing environment.

Armine has the pleasure of publishing the majority of our articles as well as looking after our social media presence. She's also an avid coffee fan. If you have any feedback, please use the 'Contact Us' page, or ping us a message to our Facebook page, Tweet us or find your local Social Media site to say hi!